Jan 24, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2021-2022 
Academic Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • ESOL 550 - Cultural Constructs/Diversity ESOL Educ

    2 credit(s)
    This course is designed to equip ESOL teacher candidates with competency in cultural, linguistic, educational, and ethnic issues present in educating English-Language Learners (ELL). Candidates will develop understanding of cultural and linguistic diversity in ESOL education and be able to implement culturally responsive interventions to promote the learning environment conducive to learning for all students.
  • ESOL 560 - Foundations of ESOL Methods

    2 credit(s)
    This course is designed to equip ESOL teacher candidates with theoretical bases, concepts, research, and best practices to plan classroom instruction in a supportive learning environment for ESOL and bilingual students. Various teaching models developed for ESL teaching are introduced and theoretical foundations of second language teaching will be built.
  • ESOL 564 - ESOL Methods Assessment & Technology

    2 credit(s)
    This course is designed to apply theoretical foundations built in the preceding course, Foundations of ESOL Methods, in actual lesson planning and unit development for K-12 ESL instruction. It also aims to promote the candidates’ knowledge and understanding of inquiry- and standards-based practices and strategies in planning, implementing, and managing ESL education. ESOL teacher candidates will learn how to plan, manage, and implement standards-based ESL lessons and curricula including second language assessment and technology-incorporated instruction.
    Corequisite(s): ESOL 560 .
  • ESOL 570 - Bilingualism & Biliteracy Development

    2 credit(s)
    Designed to prepare ESOL/Bilingual teacher candidates to built theoretical bases and concepts of bilingualism, second-language acquisition, and biliteracy development. Various theories of bilingualism and second-language acquisition will be introduced. In addition, best practices for bilingual and bilieracy education will be explored..
  • ESOL 576 - Multilevel Supervised ESOL Practicum

    2 credit(s)
    Candidates complete a 90-hour supervised clinical experience working with students identified as English-Language Learners, and an ESOL practicum portfolio. Practicum focus will be in an ECE or Elem setting and a MS or HS setting. Instructor’s consent required.
  • ESOL 580 - Pedagogical Grammar of English

    2 credit(s)
    Designed to equip ESOL/Bilingual teacher candidates with knowledge and tools to address various aspects of English grammar to teach English learners. The candidates will build a solid foundation of English grammar and learn how to teach and incorporate various grammatical aspects in their classroom instruction.
  • ESTM 504 - Nature/Role Culture, Lang, & Self-Id

    2 credit(s)
    Focused specifically on the context of teaching English language learners, explores the personal, relational, and community aspects of communication, collaboration, congruency, cooperation, and competition. Includes learning communities, personal history and culture, language, communication skills, creativity, and classroom management.
  • ESTM 505 - Diversity, Cultural Groups, & Identity

    2 credit(s)
    Focused specifically on the context of teaching English language learners, explores personal, relational and community beliefs, values, and systems of -isms that permeate communities and influence English language learning. Includes community organization and civic engagement.
  • ESTM 506 - Creating Language Learning Communities

    2 credit(s)
    Focused specifically on the context of teaching English language learners, explores the personal, relational, and community aspects of communication, collaboration, congruency, cooperation, and competition. Helps aspiring teachers develop a rich understanding of how to meet the needs of all students of all language backgrounds by participating in a democratic, inclusive, reflective learning community.
  • ESTM 526 - Foundations of STEM-ESOL Teaching

    4 credit(s)
    Develops skills in designing and organizing lessons and units for middle school and high school that involve students in appropriate learning activities, require higher level thinking skills, and use a variety of assessment methods. Includes a variety of general and ESOL-specific instructional skills and strategies, assessment, current trends in education, and classroom management as well as adolescent characteristics and development.
  • ESTM 537 - Tech Across the STEM Curriculum

    2 credit(s)
    Introduces educators to some of the applications for technology in STEM education, and familiarizes them with issues associated with technology use. Develops and expands students skills and knowledge of educational technology appropriate to enhance language and content area instruction for ESOL and bilingual students, through a series of readings, presentations, lab work, small group work, and exploration in clinical settings. Evaluates technology resources for quality, accuracy and effectiveness for use in diverse classrooms, including the use of assistive technology.
  • ESTM 538 - STEM Pedagogy and Curriculum

    6 credit(s)
    Introduces aspiring STEM educators to the theories, strategies, resources, and technology applications appropriate to STEM curriculum and instruction at the middle and high school level. Emphasizes research-based teaching and evaluation methods, as well as an in-depth analysis of national and state science and mathematics standards. Includes applications of STEM project-based learning in community and service-learning contexts, with an emphasis on teaching English language learners.
  • ESTM 541 - STEM Literacy & English Lang Learners

    2 credit(s)
    Introduces middle school and high school STEM educators to the application of reading and writing theories and to the development of STEM literacy. Develops and expands knowledge of the nature and scope of middle school and high school reading and writing, English language learning, and of the application of ESOL methods, materials, assessments, remedial strategies, and motivation for reading, writing, and study skills.
  • ESTM 561 - Advanced Human Development & Psychology

    4 credit(s)
    Focused specifically on the context of teaching English language learners, explores developmental issues: behavioral, physical, personal, social, and cognitive, including the development of language. Relates psychology to teaching and learning, including the role of the teacher, learning theory, motivation and reinforcement, individual differences, classroom management, and evaluation.
  • ESTM 570 - School, Society, and Language Policy

    2 credit(s)
    Focused specifically on the context of teaching English language learners, explores the relationship between schools, society, and language. Helps aspiring teachers develop an understanding of the philosophical, historical, socio-cultural, and legal foundations of education. Special emphasis on the history of ELL education.
  • ESTM 573 - Supervised Practicum

    1-6 credit(s)
    Offers preservice teachers a supervised ESOL clinical experience in public schools in conjunction with clinical coursework. May be repeated for credit. Pass/No Pass.
  • ESTM 575 - Student Teaching & ESOL Practicum

    1-10 credit(s)
    Provides a classroom setting for preservice teachers to apply principles of education pedagogy and methodology under the supervision of an ESOL endorsed mentor teacher. Pass/No Pass.
  • ESTM 601 - STEM/ESOL Teacher As Researcher I

    2 credit(s)
    Introduces candidates to teacher action research. Candidates will develop the skills of accessing, organizing, and analyzing existing research, and collecting action research data as part if classroom assessment. Candidates will learn to use data and existing research to analyze educational practice at the community, school, and classroom levels, with an emphasis on teaching English language learners.
  • ESTM 602 - STEM/ESOL Teacher As Researcher II

    2 credit(s)
    Candidates will continue exploration of teacher action research through a) analyzing their own emerging teaching practice, b) developing an area of focus for further study, and c) designing a related project to be carried out in a practicum placement or other applicable site, with an emphasis on teaching English language learners.

Education and Leadership

  • EDLD 702 - IPEL Development Symposium I

    1 credit(s)
    Provides an opportunity for students to join with peers and faculty to explore Inter-professional Education and Leadership (IPEL) topics and begin an exploration of their own research interests. Students will learn about IPEL concepts and broad strategies for research, and join in group activities with their peers. Students also will learn how to build an engaged learning community in a virtual environment, and explore the question: “What is IPEL research?” Pass/No Pass.
  • EDLD 704 - IPEL Development Symposium II

    1 credit(s)
    Building on EDLD 702 , this course provides an opportunity for second-year PhDEL students to join with peers and faculty to present and learn about new IPEL research developed over the past year. Students will present their own research as well as critique the work of others, sharing their research across the broader virtual IPEL community. Students also will join in group activities with peers. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 .
  • EDLD 706 - Diversity, Equity, & System Think Sem

    3 credit(s)
    Prepares students to address the diversity of problems and issues they will confront as scholar practitioners and administrators in an increasingly complex and dynamic world. This includes learning how to design flexible structures and use transformational leadership strategies to be successful in dynamic environments. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 .
  • EDLD 708 - Teaching & Learning in Higher Ed

    3 credit(s)
    An inter-professional course addressing the application of theory for use in higher education, including the transition to academician, curriculum design, strategies to support learning, and assessment and program evaluation. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 .
  • EDLD 710 - Professional As Researcher & Writer Sem

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces the language of research and the art of professional writing for peer-review publication. Students will practice scholarly writing skills, and demonstrate a thorough understanding and interpretation of scholarly works. The course will stress the importance of academic writing practice for publication. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Summer.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 .
  • EDLD 712 - Research Design

    3 credit(s)
    Provides students with a broad understanding of the foundational elements of research, and how these can be applied effectively to decision-making processes through evidence-based practice. Students will apply this knowledge through the development of a comprehensive review of the literature and preliminary development of a dissertation proposal. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 .
  • EDLD 714 - Qualitative Research Methods

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces qualitative research to prepare students with the skills, techniques, and knowledge necessary to undertake independent research using this methodology. Students also will explore the philosophical and historical underpinnings of qualitative research to inform their own research agendas. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Summer.

  • EDLD 716 - Quantitative Research Methods

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces educational leaders to quantitative research concepts and tools in preparation for conducting independent research. Students will learn how to critically understand quantitative research methods, and apply these appropriately to various contemporary issues. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Summer.

  • EDLD 718 - Art of Com, Nego, Conflict Resolution

    3 credit(s)
    Covers the theory, art, and practice of communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Students learn to recognize situations that require bargaining, what the process involves, and how to analyze, plan, and implement successful negotiations. Emphasis is placed on integrating analytical skills, negotiation techniques, and conflict resolution methods into practice. Class discussion and role-playing are a substantial part of the course, and help students build skills in effective communication, conflict resolution, and negotiation. Students also will learn the overt and covert causes of conflict, the concepts for analyzing disputes, and a variety of methods to effectively prevent or resolve conflict. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702  and EDLD 704 .
  • EDLD 720 - Leadership, Ethics, Advocacy & Policy

    3 credit(s)
    Offers students fresh insights into the roles, challenges, and decision-making of educational leaders, focusing on leadership styles in communities, and exploring relationships between different approaches to leadership in contemporary contexts. Leadership processes, self-awareness and skills necessary to lead, ethical considerations, and managing strategic change are emphasized. Students will learn to grapple with ethical issues regarding program administration, financial constraints, globalization, and advances in technology. Students also will practice with the tools, models, and processes regarding advocacy for social change, and understand how public policy can impact social movements. Personal development of each student’s own advocacy skills is emphasized. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 .
  • EDLD 722 - Lead Institutional Chg & Developmnt Sym

    1 credit(s)
    Building on EDLD 702  and EDLD 704 , this course provides an opportunity for third-year PhDEL students to join with peers and faculty to present and learn about new IPEL research developed over the past two years, with a focus on inter-professional research as a mechanism for leading institutional change and development. Students will present their own research as well as critique the work of others, and engage with a broad virtual IPEL community. Students also will join in group activities with peers.
    Offered: Offered in Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 , EDLD 704 .
  • EDLD 724 - Special Topics

    3 credit(s)
    In this course, students can select from a variety of topics to explore that relate to their individual areas of interest in IPEL research. Working in small teams or individually with the course instructor, students will study a specific topic indepth to further focus their research agendas and contribute perspective to their dissertation research. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Summer.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 .
  • EDLD 726 - PhDEL Practicum

    3 credit(s)
    Under the supervision of a site preceptor and a PhDEL faculty member, students engage in applied research projects with various organizations and communities to broaden their understanding of IPEL research application in the field. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Summer.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 .
  • EDLD 728 - Independent Study

    1-9 credit(s)
    Under direct supervision of PhDEL faculty, students will spend one or more semesters working independently and delving deeply into specific IPEL topics of interest. This indepth study will add value to the development of individual research agendas including dissertation research.
    Offered: Offered in Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 , EDLD 704 .
  • EDLD 730 - Dissertation Pro-Seminar

    3 credit(s)
    Course will direct students in developing a focused research agenda and dissertation topic, building information-management and time-management skills, publishing one’s work, making professional presentations, and creating and writing an annotated bibliography. In addition, students will learn how to effectively access reference databases, along with practical information about conducting literature reviews as the foundation for conducting IPEL research. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offerd in Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 702 .  
  • EDLD 732 - PhDEL Statistics

    3 credit(s)
    This course introduces students to doctoral statistics including descriptive statistics, correlation, causation, and types of variables. It provides them with a basic understanding of statistical software and how to run various statistical tests. Students will learn the language of probability theory, statistical inference and become informed consumers of statistical information. Pass/No Pass
    Offered: Offered in Spring

  • EDLD 734 - Systems Change

    3 credit(s)
    Provides students with a broad understanding of the foundational elements of research, and how these can be applied effectively to decision-making processes through evidence-based practice. Students will apply this knowledge through the development of a comprehensive review of the literature and preliminary development of a dissertation proposal. Prerequisite EDLD-702. 3 credits Pass/No Pass
  • EDLD 740 - Dissertation

    1-9 credit(s)
    Building on the work completed in EDLD 730 , this course supports the student’s continued progress toward completing the dissertation. The course will focus on three primary objectives: 1) Understanding the dissertation process; 2) Establishing and meeting goals toward dissertation completion; and 3) Creating an IPEL research agenda and publication track record. Students will be required to set and meet specific goals and timelines, and learn how to use specific project planning tools in order to maintain a workable time schedule. Research, writing, and rewriting will be an integral part of this course. Pass/No Pass.
    Offered: Offered in Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLD 730 .
  • EDLD 801 - IPEL Conference I

    1 credit(s)
    The lnterprofessional Education and Leadership (IPEL) Conference is a foundation of the PhD Program that focuses on learning about interprofessional education (IPE), leadership in the community, and research skills. Students present their research to improve their public speaking, develop their ideas, and receive feedback from students, faculty and staff. The conference also features a number of community building activities across cohorts to facilitate mentoring and student collaboration. This course has students present their initial research questions and review of the extant literature. Pass/No Pass
  • EDLD 802 - IPEL Conference II

    1 credit(s)
    The lnterprofessional Education and Leadership (IPEL) Conference is a foundation of the PhD Program that focuses on learning about interprofessional education (IPE), leadership in the community, and research skills. Students present their research to improve their public speaking, develop their ideas, and receive feedback from students, faculty and staff. The conference also features a number of community building activities across cohorts to facilitate mentoring and student collaboration. Students will present the research design of their dissertation proposals. Prerequisite EDLD 801. Pass/No Pass
  • EDLD 803 - IPEL Conference III

    1 credit(s)
    The lnterprofessional Education and Leadership (IPEL) Conference is a foundation of the PhD Program that focuses on learning about interprofessional education (IPE), leadership in the community, and research skills. Students present their research to improve their public speaking, develop their ideas, and receive feedback from students, faculty and staff. The conference also features a number of community building activities across cohorts to facilitate mentoring and student collaboration. Students will present initial data from their dissertation research. Prerequisites EDLD 801 and EDLD 802. Pass/No Pass
  • EDLD 999 - Continuing Enrollment: Thesis/Diss

    1 credit(s)
    Enrollment following elevation to candidacy for the thesis or dissertation. Course fee: $1800. May be repeated for credit Pass/No Pass

English as a Second Language

These are language acquisition courses that do not apply to undergraduate degrees at Pacific University.

  • ESL 010A - Beginning Grammar A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course introduces students to the basics of English grammar. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas
  • ESL 010B - Beginning Grammar B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course introduces students to the basics of English grammar. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas
  • ESL 011A - High Beginning Grammar A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course reviews the basics of English grammar and expands upon these. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 011B - High Beginning Grammar B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course reviews the basics of English grammar and expands upon these. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 012A - Low Intermediate Grammar A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course reviews the basics of English grammar and expands upon these by offering multiple opportunities for using these skills in communicative interaction. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 012B - Low Intermediate Grammar B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course reviews the basics of English grammar and expands upon these by offering multiple opportunities for using these skills in communicative interaction. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 013A - Intermediate Grammar A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. In this course, students work with all the verb tenses in English grammar as well and learn a variety of other grammar points. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 013B - Intermediate Grammar B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. In this course, students work with all the verb tenses in English grammar as well and learn a variety of other grammar points. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 014A - High Intermediate Grammar A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. In this course, students work with all of the verb tenses in English grammar and learn a variety of additional, complex grammar points. Regular practice with TOEFL-style grammar exercises will help prepare students for English language exams. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 014B - High Intermediate Grammar B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. In this course, students work with all of the verb tenses in English grammar and learn a variety of additional, complex grammar points. Regular practice with TOEFL-style grammar exercises will help prepare students for English language exams. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 015A - Low Advanced Grammar A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course introduces and reviews advanced English grammar concepts. Regular practice with TOEFL-style grammar exercises will help prepare students for English language exams. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 015B - Low Advanced Grammar B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course introduces and reviews advanced English grammar concepts. Regular practice with TOEFL-style grammar exercises will help prepare students for English language exams. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 016A - Advanced Grammar A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course reviews advanced English grammar concepts and allows students to polish up on any areas of grammar with which they may struggle. Regular practice with TOEFL-style grammar exercises will help prepare students for English language exams. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 016B - Advanced Grammar B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course reviews advanced English grammar concepts and allows students to polish up on any areas of grammar with which they may struggle. Regular practice with TOEFL-style grammar exercises will help prepare students for English language exams. Students engage in activities which allow them to see how the language works while enhancing language acquisition in all skill areas.
  • ESL 020A - Beginning Reading & Vocabulary A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps beginning level students develop their reading skills in English. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 020B - Beginning Reading & Vocabulary B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps beginning level students develop their reading skills in English. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 021A - High Beginning Reading & Vocabulary A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps high beginning level students develop their reading skills in English. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 021B - High Beginning Reading & Vocabulary B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps high beginning level students develop their reading skills in English. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 022A - Low Intermediate Reading & Vocabulary A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps low intermediate level students develop their reading skills in English. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 022B - Low Intermediate Reading & Vocabulary B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps low intermediate level students develop their reading skills in English. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 023A - Intermediate Reading & Vocab A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps intermediate level students develop their reading skills in English. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 023B - Intermediate Reading & Vocab B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps intermediate level students develop their reading skills in English. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 024A - High Intermediate Reading & Vocab A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps high intermediate level students develop their reading skills in English. There is a focus on academic-style readings and reading test practices. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 024B - High Intermediate Reading & Vocab B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps high intermediate level students develop their reading skills in English. There is a focus on academic-style readings and reading test practices. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 025A - Low Advanced Reading & Vocabulary A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps low advanced level students develop their reading skills in English. There is a focus on academic-style readings and reading test practices. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 025B - Low Advanced Reading & Vocabulary B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps low advanced level students develop their reading skills in English. There is a focus on academic-style readings and reading test practices. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 026A - Advanced Reading & Vocab A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps advanced level students develop their reading skills in English. There is a focus on academic-style readings and reading test practices. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 026B - Advanced Reading & Vocab B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps advanced level students develop their reading skills in English. There is a focus on academic-style readings and reading test practices. Students increase their active and passive vocabulary while learning essential reading strategies.
  • ESL 030A - Beginning Reading & Writing A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps beginning level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 030B - Beginning Reading & Writing B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps beginning level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 031A - High Beginning Reading & Writing A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps high beginning level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 031B - High Beginning Reading & Writing B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps high beginning level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 032A - Low Intermediate Reading & Writing A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps low intermediate level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 032B - Low Intermediate Reading & Writing B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps low intermediate level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 033A - Intermediate Reading & Writing A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps intermediate level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 033B - Intermediate Reading & Writing B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps intermediate level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 034A - High Intermediate Reading & Writing A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps high intermediate level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 034B - High Intermediate Reading & Writing B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps high intermediate level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 035A - Low Advanced Reading & Writing A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps low advanced level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 035B - Low Advanced Reading & Writing B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps low advanced level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 036A - Advanced Reading & Writing A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps advanced level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 036B - Advanced Reading & Writing B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course helps advanced level students develop their reading and writing skills in English. Students learn to become critical readers and thinkers in order to successfully integrate their reading and writing skills to meet future academic needs.
  • ESL 040A - Beginning Speaking & Listening A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with beginning level English develop a functional fluency, using English in a variety of contextualized situations and applying communicative strategies necessary for improving listening comprehension as well as oral production.
  • ESL 040B - Beginning Speaking & Listening B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with beginning level English develop a functional fluency, using English in a variety of contextualized situations and applying communicative strategies necessary for improving listening comprehension as well as oral production.
  • ESL 041A - High Beginning Speaking & Listening A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with high beginning level English develop a functional fluency, using English in a variety of contextualized situations and applying communicative strategies necessary for improving listening comprehension as well as oral production.
  • ESL 041B - High Beginning Speaking & Listening B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with high beginning level English develop a functional fluency, using English in a variety of contextualized situations and applying communicative strategies necessary for improving listening comprehension as well as oral production.
  • ESL 042A - Low Intermediate Speaking & Listening A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with low intermediate level English continue to work on functional language while developing the language needed for a wider variety of topics. Students learn to go beyond simple description and start to express analysis. Note-taking skills are also developed.
  • ESL 042B - Low Intermediate Speaking & Listening B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with low intermediate level English continue to work on functional language while developing the language needed for a wider variety of topics. Students learn to go beyond simple description and start to express analysis. Note-taking skills are also developed.
  • ESL 043A - Intermediate Speaking & Listening A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with intermediate level English continue to work on functional language while developing the language needed for a wider variety of topics. Students learn to go beyond simple description and start to express analysis. Note-taking skills are also developed.
  • ESL 043B - Intermediate Speaking & Listening B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with intermediate level English continue to work on functional language while developing the language needed for a wider variety of topics. Students learn to go beyond simple description and start to express analysis. Note-taking skills are also developed.
  • ESL 044A - High Int Speaking & Listening A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with high intermediate level English continue to work on functional language while developing the language needed for a wider variety of topics. Students learn to go beyond simple description and start to express analysis. Note-taking skills are also developed.
  • ESL 044B - High Int Speaking & Listening B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course is designed to help students with high intermediate level English continue to work on functional language while developing the language needed for a wider variety of topics. Students learn to go beyond simple description and start to express analysis. Note-taking skills are also developed.
  • ESL 045A - Low Advanced Speaking & Listening A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. In this course, low advanced level students develop their communicative competence with an emphasis on academic language needs. At this level students continue building vocabulary, polishing their pronunciation and intonation, and refining listening, presentation and communication skills needed to successfully function in academic contexts.
  • ESL 045B - Low Advanced Speaking & Listening B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. In this course, low advanced level students develop their communicative competence with an emphasis on academic language needs. At this level students continue building vocabulary, polishing their pronunciation and intonation, and refining listening, presentation and communication skills needed to successfully function in academic contexts.
  • ESL 046A - Advanced Speaking & Listening A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. In this course, advanced level students develop their communicative competence with an emphasis on academic language needs. At this level students continue building vocabulary, polishing their pronunciation and intonation, and refining listening, presentation and communication skills needed to successfully function in academic contexts.
  • ESL 046B - Advanced Speaking & Listening B

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. In this course, advanced level students develop their communicative competence with an emphasis on academic language needs. At this level students continue building vocabulary, polishing their pronunciation and intonation, and refining listening, presentation and communication skills needed to successfully function in academic contexts.
  • ESL 047 - Speaking & Listening I

    2 credit(s)
    This course is designed to help students develop a functional fluency, using English in a variety of contextualized situations and applying communicative strategies necessary for improving listening comprehension as well as oral production.
  • ESL 048 - Speaking & Listening II

    2 credit(s)
    This course is designed to help students continue to work on functional language while developing the language needed for a wider variety of topics. Students learn to go beyond simple description and start to express analysis. In addition, students can improve their listening skills through a variety of real-life listening practices.
  • ESL 050A - Beginning Writing & Editing A

    2 credit(s)
    A two course sequence in one term. This course prepares students to write grammatically correct sentences. This skill is used as the basis for an introduction to paragraph writing. An emphasis is placed on helping students recognize writing errors.

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