Aug 31, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2021-2022 
Academic Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • THEA 495 - Senior Thesis

    1-4 credit(s)
    Students will develop substantial projects in performance, design, directing, research, dramaturgy, choreography, or playwriting, from inception and proposal through completion. Must be arranged with faculty advisor. Instructor’s consent required. May be repeated for credit.

Theatre, Applied

  • APTH 212 - Theatre for Gender Equity

    2 credit(s)
    This workshop course will devise new work or engage with existing texts to present theatrical performance on a given theme and in accord with the mission of the Center for Gender Equity. Also listed as GSS 212 . May be repeated once for credit.
    Core Requirement(s): Counts toward core requirement: Artistic Practice and Creative Process.
  • APTH 215 - Applied Theatre Workshop

    4 credit(s)
    This course will provide an active, experiential introduction to key forms of Applied Theatre including Playback, Reminiscence Theatre, Augusto Boal’s Forum Theatre, and approaches to devising theatre for and with communities. After all of these forms have been introduced and explored, the class will break into small production companies, each of which will pursue their chosen way of working for the second half of the semester, offering their work to a local group or audience.
    Core Requirement(s): Counts toward core requirements: Civic Engagement and Artistic Practice and Creative Process.
  • APTH 301 - Survey of Applied Theatre

    4 credit(s)
    This course introduces students to the breadth and effectiveness of Applied Theatre throughout recent history; engages with complex issues of representation, privacy, authorship, and authority as these issues pertain to performance and communities; and challenges students to conceive their own models for employing theatre as an agent of change.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or above (30 or more completed credits).
  • APTH 315 - Applied Theatre Workshop II

    4 credit(s)
    This course will provide an active, experiential introduction to key forms of Applied Theatre including Playback, Reminiscence Theatre, Augusto Boal’s Forum Theatre, and approaches to devising theatre for and with communities. After all of these forms have been introduced and explored, the class will break into small production companies, each of which will pursue their chosen way of working for the second half of the semester, offering their work to a local group or audience.
    Core Requirement(s): Counts toward core requirements: Civic Engagement and Artistic Practice and Creative Process.
    Prerequisite(s): APTH 215 .
  • APTH 320 - Theatre in Mental Health: UK

    2 credit(s)
    This winter-term travel course will introduce students to the Converge program, an arts and health project based at York St. John University in England. Converge makes university courses in the arts accessible to people who use mental health services. Students will learn about the UK mental health service provision, arts as a pathway to higher education, the healing potential of performance practice, and evidence for the effectiveness of arts applications in mental health, and will work on theatre skills with community members. Students will gain both experience with an established applied theatre model and understanding of the challenges and processes of applied theatre.
    Prerequisite(s): THEA 110  or APTH 215 .
  • APTH 475 - Internship

    1 credit(s)
    See department for details. Internship contract required.

Vision Science

  • VSC 301 - Introduction to Vision Science

    3 credit(s)
    This course provides a comprehensive review of vision sciences, with an emphasis on the clinical applications and visual performance. It explores topics such as ocular anatomy, neurophysiology, perception, psychophysics, optics, eye movements, visuomotor disorders, and color vision among others. It aims to provide the student with a
    broad understanding of vision science.
  • VSC 302 - Advanced Clinical Topics in Vision Science

    3 credit(s)
    This course aims to provide the student with in depth clinical expertise in some of five selective areas to guide their develpment of specialty knowledge and skills. These areas include vision diagnosis, low vision rehabilitation, binocular and sports vision, contact lens and myopia control, and vision therapy and training. Lead instructors will provide overviews of important clinical topics and invite experts in these areas to provide in depth discussions.
    Prerequisite(s): VSC 301  
  • VSC 303 - Visual Neuroanatomy

    1.5 credit(s)
    This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the field of neuroscience, with primary focus on the structure and function of the eye and the central visual pathways. Basic anatomical structures and the development of the nervous system, and concepts of physiological and neurological processes related to the eye and vision will be addressed. It sets the foundation for future courses and clinical application on the anatomy and physiology in visual performance and ocular disease processes.
  • VSC 304 - Visual Information Processing With Lab

    2.5 credit(s)
    Normal and abnormal visual information processing, from retina to cortex. Includes dark and light adaptation, contrast and flicker sensitivity, motion and depth perception, and color vision. Perceptual consequences of function and dysfunction of the visual pathways, striate and extra-striate cortices during the human lifespan are discussed. Includes application through independent-study lab exercises and student presentations.
  • VSC 305 - Ocular Disorders & Diagnosis with Lab/Practicum

    2 credit(s)
    This course offers a detailed review of comprehensive and appropriate methods for diagnosing ocular disorders and diseases. It will cover prevalent and important ocular diseases of both the anterior and posterior segment of the eye, as well as certain neuro-opthalmic and systemic-based conditions that can affect the eye. Treatment and management options for patients with these disorders will also be reviewed, as well as indicated examination tests. This course also includes clinically-relevant activities to help students improve their clinical skills by integrating classroom and laboratory learning with these activities. 
  • VSC 306 - Evidence-based Optometry and Statistics

    4 credit(s)
    Introduces core issues in evidence-based optometry and public health. It includes the assessment of various clinical study designs, potential sources of bias in each design as well as development of a systematic approach to evaluate strength of evidence from published studies, to identify potential limitations and develop appreciation for the importance of evidence-based practice as a practice philosophy. It also explains basic biostatistical concepts and terms by describing how to organize a dataset for analysis, how to summarize or graph data, how to assess if there is a relationship between variables and how to determine future study sample size.
  • VSC 307 - Capstone Project I: Contact Lens

    2 credit(s)
    One of five clinical research areasin which students choose to pursue two independent research projectson a question or problem in their chosen clinical specialties. Students who choose this course will work on a contact lens project. With the guidanceof a faculty advisor, each student is expected to identify a particular clinical research topic, conduct proper literature review, propose efficient methods and procedures in diagnosing visual disorders and diseases, and demonstrate the ability to providewell-rounded assessments and treatments to patients with diagnosed problems. This course requires the completion of a clinical research project orcase report to demonstrate their research, analytical, and writing skills.
  • VSC 308 - Capstone Project II

    2 credit(s)
    This is one of two clinical research projects in which students pursue independent research on a question or problem in their chosen clinical specialties. With the guidance of a faculty advisor, each student is expected to identify a particular clinical research topic, conduct proper literature review, propose efficient methods and procedures in diagnosing visual disorders and diseases, and demonstrate the ability to provide well-rounded assessments and treatments to patients with diagnosed problems. This course requires the completion of a clinical research project or case report to demonstrate their research, analytical, and writing skills.
  • VSC 309 - Basic Statistics

    3 credit(s)
    An introduction to traditional and Bayesian statistics using statistical software. We will use hands on examples to create simulations and develop statistical reasoning and quantitative thinking. At the end of the course, students will be competent in the use of the software and be able to statistically analyze data and create graphs that accurately represent the data.
  • VSC 310 - Evididence Based Decision Making

    1 credit(s)
    Emphasize evidence-based over eminence-based decisions by learning how to search, select, and evaluate the literature to answer specific questions.The course will emphasize the detection of systematic error (bias) in study design and provide experience in critical thinking.There will be a focus on applying statistical concepts to the understanding of clinical relevance in evaluating the literature.
  • VSC 311 - Primary Eye Care & Procedures With Lab/Practicum

    1 credit(s)
    This course aims to teach the clinical optometric instrumentation and to master skills needed to provide a comprehensive eye exam to help care for a continuum of patients ranging from new initial visits to managaing a lifetime of continuing eye care. In addition, it covers topics related to needs of patients, coordinating with general health care services, emphasizing competency, management, and decision-making to help promote quality and efficiency in primary eye care. This course also includes clinically-relevant activities to help students improve their clinical skills by integrating classroom and laboratory learning with these activities.
  • VSC 312 - Visual Changes Over Lifespan With Practicum

    2 credit(s)
    This course reviews the stages of human vision development and sequence with related anatomical, neurophysiological, perceptual and functional aspects relevant to optometric care. Topics include development of visual acuity, refractive components, binocular vision, eye movements, and visual perception. Degenerative changes associated with the aging eye and visual system, systemic, pharmacological and psychological aspects of geriatric vision care are discussed. Topics also include the impact of visual impairment on daily living, methods of assessment, applications of magnification devices, tinted lenses and assistive technology. This course also includes clinically-relevant activities to help students improve their clinical skills by integrating classroom and laboratory learning with these activities.


  • VSC 313 - Vision Therapy With Lab/Practicum

    2 credit(s)
    This course offers a detailed review of comprehensive and appropriate treatment options for patients with visual and ocular disorders such as loss of visual acuity and visual field, problems in accommodation and vergence control, and dysfunctions associated with stroke and brain injuries. This course describes tools, skills, and procedures required to achieve effective vision therapy, including the use of lenses, prisms, filters, occlusion, specialized instruments, and/or computer programs.  Students will learn remediating methods for regaining visual, ocular and perceptual functions. This course also includes clinically-relevant activities to help students improve their clinical skills by integrating classroom and laboratory learning with these activities.
  • VSC 314 - Binocular & Sports Vision With Lab/Practicum

    2 credit(s)
    This course provides the basic anatomical and physiological knowledge of eye movements and binocular vision needed to correctly interpret the most common clinical cases you will encounter in your practice.  It also offers a detailed review of ophthalmology, optometry, and visual training to protect or enhance athletic performance, with a particular emphasis on binocular vision.  It covers topics including visual skill profile, dominant visual acuity, dynamic visual acuity, accommodation, vergence facility, vergence stability and control, binocular vision, visual spatial perception, visual processing speed, visual reaction speed, eye hand coordination,visual navigation and peripheral visual awareness.This course also includes clinically-relevant activities to help students improve their clinicalskills by integrating classroom and laboratory learning with these activities.
  • VSC 315 - Vision Related Learning Problems with Lab/Practicum

    2 credit(s)
    A review of binocular, visual perceptual deficits and ocular disorders that may lead to difficulties in learning specific academic areas such as reading handwriting and visual information processing. Students will learn diagnostic tests for evaluating visual, perceptual and eye movement skills that support learning. Additionally, this course will cover vision therapy methods for remediating deficient visual, perceptual and motor skills to support learning. This course also includes clinically-relevant activities to help students improve their clinical skills by integrating classroom and laboratory learning with these activities.
  • VSC 316 - CL Exam & Fitting with Lab/Practicum

    2 credit(s)
    This course introduces the common comprehensive eye exam for patients wearing or wanting to wear contact lenses.  It covers the special tests for evaluating vision and measuring the ocular surface to determine what type of contact lenses are most appropriate for the patient. This course also reviews proper fitting and prescription of various types of contact lenses. Procedures and criteria for assessing lens fit and impact to eye health will be discussed. This course includes laboratory work and to help students obtain practice skills. This course also includes clinically-relevant activities to help students improve their clinical skills by integrating classroom and laboratory learning with these activities.
  • VSC 317 - Specialty CL with Lab/Practicum

    2 credit(s)
    A review of recent advances in the options of prescribing contact lenses to improve vision performance. These topics include advances in designs of contact lenses for refractive errors, irregular astigmatism, and corneal diseases. This course includes laboratory work and to help students obtain practice skills. This course also includes clinically-relevant activities to help students improve their clinical skills by integrating classroom and laboratory learning with these activities.
    Prerequisite(s): VSC 316  
  • VSC 318 - CL & Myopia Control with Lab/Practicum

    2 credit(s)
    This course reviews traditional and innovative methods to controlling myopia with contact lenses with an evidence-based approach.  It covers topics such as the use of orthokeratology (Ortho-k) lenses, soft multifocal lenses and other novel lens designs.  It will discuss challenges in lens design and fitting as well as review patient management strategies to maintain proper health and compliance. This course includes laboratory work to help students obtain practice skills. This course also includes clinically-relevant activities to help students improve their clinical skills by integrating classroom and laboratory learning with these activities.
    Prerequisite(s): VSC 316  
  • VSC 331 - Clinical Vocabulary & Communication

    2 credit(s)
    This course aims to acclimatize international students to medical terminology that is the standardized means of communication within the healthcare industry. It includes reviews on the system of medical vocabulary and abbreviations within the clinical environment to make understanding them much faster and easier. Its goal is to facilitate the learning and use of clinical proceedings and enable everyone involved in the process of treatment and care to perform more efficiently for the patient’s benefit.
  • VSC 332 - Clinical & Academic English Communication

    2 credit(s)
    This course provides instructions on listening, reading, writing and communicating in English in academic and clinical settings. This includes topics such as barriers in the path of communication, outlines, rephrasing, listening to conversation (formal and informal), techniques of reading, skimming, scanning, SQ3R technique, writing skills, paragraph, letter writing, essay writing, memo, circular, notice, cover letter and resume.
  • VSC 333 - Academic Writing

    2 credit(s)
    Provide instruction on the fundamentals of academic writing with the goal of sharpening students’ critical reading and writing skills, with special attention to reasoning, formulating, and developing arguments and explanations. The course will give students practice theorizing and writing for the various audiences they will encounter in college and beyond. Attention will also be paid to mechanics, usage, and style, as well as to handling and citing sources. The emphasis is on the expression of rigorous clinical reasoning and communication.
  • VSC 334 - Thesis Writing & Case Report

    2 credit(s)
    Provides instruction on the fundamentals of thesis writing with the goal of sharpening students’ critical thinking and organizing skills, with special attention to developing thesis rationale, literature review, arguments and explanations. Course will provide guidance to students as they work to summarize their thesis projects and prepare clinical case reports. Attention will also be paid to the coherence and strength of their observations and arguments. The emphasis is on the expression of rigorous clinical reasoning and communication.
    Prerequisite(s): VSC 333  
  • VSC 335 - Capstne Proj Iii: Binocular & Sports Vis

    2 credit(s)
    One of five clinical research areas in which students choose to pursue two independent research projects on a question or problem in their chosen clinical specialties. Students who choose this course will work on a binocular and sports vision project. Under the instructor’s guidance, each student will identify a particular clinical research topic, conduct proper literature review, propose efficient methods to investigate the issue, and demonstrate the ability to provide well-rounded assessments and treatments to patients. This course requires the completion of a clinical research project or case report to demonstrate their research, analytical, and writing skills.
  • VSC 336 - Capstone Project: IV: Refraction

    2 credit(s)
    This is one of five clinical research areas in which students choose to pursue two independent research projects on a question or problem in their chosen clinical specialties. Students who choose this course will work on a refraction project. With the guidance of a faculty advisor, each student is expected to identify a particular clinical research topic, conduct proper literature review, propose efficient methods and procedures in diagnosing visual disorders and diseases, and demonstrate the ability to provide well-rounded assessments and treatments to patients with diagnosed problems. This course requires the completion of a clinical research project or case report to demonstrate their research, analytical, and writing skills.
  • VSC 337 - Capstone Project V Ocular Disease

    2 credit(s)
    This is one of five clinical research areas in which students choose to pursue two independent research projects on a question or problem in their chosen clinical specialties. Students who choose this course will work on an ocular disease project. With the guidance of a faculty advisor, each student is expected to identify a particular clinical research topic, conduct proper literature review, propose efficient methods and procedures in diagnosing visual disorders and diseases, and demonstrate the ability to provide well-rounded assessments and treatments to patients with diagnosed problems. This course requires the completion of a clinical research project or case report to demonstrate their research, analytical, and writing skills.
  • VSC 425 - Seminar International Optometry

    1 credit(s)
    Review of the comparative education base of optometry in various nations and the relation to scope of practice and practice modes. Examination of barriers to growth of the profession and an exploration of strategies to promote orderly progress.
  • VSC 502 - Scientific & Clinical Writing

    1.5 credit(s)
    Through writing assignments on their chosen research topics, students learn and practice the convention in writing journal articles, thesis/dissertation, and clinical reports. While working on clear, correct, coherent, and concise prose, the course also emphasizes sophisticated critical thinking and clear description in writing. Students will learn to develop good sentence and paragraph structure for each section of a research/clinical report, improve grammar and identify common stylistic errors, and use powerful language to write more succinctly to present the ideas clearly.
    Offered: Summer

  • VSC 503 - Evidence-Based Research & Practice

    1 credit(s)
    This course provides methods and training for understanding and evaluating scientific and health care literature. Develop critical thinking skills related to evidence-based optometric care. Course elements may be tailored for the cohort enrolled.
  • VSC 511 - Geometric, Physical, & Visual Optics I

    3 credit(s)
    This course is the first of a two-semester sequence that provides an introduction to optics. Topics in this semester include laws of light propagation, thin lenses & prisms, spherocylindrical lenses, single spherical refracting interfaces, thick lenses, & angular magnification. Emphasis is placed on applications such as lens models of the eye & optical instruments. Course elements may be tailored for the cohort enrolled.
    Corequisite(s): OPT 501L  
  • VSC 511L - Lab: Geometric, Physical, & Visual Optics I

    0 credit(s)
    Hands-on laboratory that supplements lecture material from VSC 511 .
    Corequisite(s): VSC 511 
  • VSC 512 - Geometric, Physical and Visual Optics II

    3 credit(s)
    This course is the second of a two-semester sequence that provides an introduction to optics.  Topics in this semester include mirrors, stops and pupils, aberrations, optical energy, absorption, electromagnetic waves, interference, diffraction, and polarization.  Emphasis is placed on applications such as lens models of the eye, optical instruments, antireflection coatings, and viual acuity.  Course elements may be tailored for the cohort enrolled.
    Corequisite(s): OPT 502L
  • VSC 512L - Lab: Geometric, Physical, & Visual Optics II

    0 credit(s)
    Hands-on laboratory that supplements lectur material from VSC 512 .
    Corequisite(s): VSC 512 
  • VSC 513 - Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics

    4 credit(s)
    This course covers the optics of the uncorrected & corrected eye, photometry, & an introduction to binocular vision. Course elements may be tailored for the cohort enrolled.
    Corequisite(s): OPT 503L 
  • VSC 513L - Lab: Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics

    0 credit(s)
    Hands-on laboratory that supplements lecture material from VSC 513 .
    Corequisite(s): VSC 513 .
  • VSC 514 - Clinical Optics

    4 credit(s)
    Laboratory section for VSC 514.  This course covers basic optics, including spherical and cylindrical refraction, vergence of light, thin and thick lenses, ametropia, accommodation, prisms, depth of field, magnification, retinal image size, reflection, aberrations, entrance and exit pupils, anti-reflective coatings and polarization.
  • VSC 514L - Clinical Optics Lab

    0 credit(s)
    Laboratory section for VSC 514.  This course covers basic optics, including spherical and cylindrical refraction, vergence of light, thin and thick lenses, ametropia, accommodation, prisms, depth of field, magnification, retinal image size, reflection, aberrations, entrance and exit pupils, anti-reflective coatings and polarization.
  • VSC 515 - Visual Optics I

    2 credit(s)
    This is the first in a two-course sequence on integrated optics. It reviews the fundamentals of geometrical, physical, and physiological optics as they apply to real life visual performance and clinical practice. Topics include refraction at spherical and plane surfaces; retinal image; thin and thick lenses; spherical ametropia; accommodation; astigmatism and cylindrical lenses; prisms; depth of field; magnification; reflection; aberrations; and peripheral vision, etc. Problem-solving skills are emphasized to develop an intuitive sense of optics that supports successful vision research and clinical interventions. Labs help students to visualize concepts covered in lectures.
    Prerequisite(s): OPT 501  
  • VSC 516 - Visual Optics II

    2 credit(s)
    This is the second in a two-course sequence on integrated optics. It reviews the fundamentals of geometrical, physical, and physiological optics as they apply to real life visual performance and clinical practice. Topics include refraction at spherical and plane surfaces; retinal image; thin and thick lenses; spherical ametropia; accommodation; astigmatism and cylindrical lenses; prisms; depth of field; magnification; reflection; aberrations; and peripheral vision, etc. Problem-solving skills are emphasized to develop an intuitive sense of optics that supports successful vision research and clinical interventions. Labs help students to visualize concepts covered in lectures.
    Prerequisite(s): OPT 501   or VSC 515  
  • VSC 521 - Anatomy, Biochemestry, & Physiology of Eye I

    3 credit(s)
    The gross anatomy, fine structure, histology, physiology and embryology of the globe and adnexa, as well as ocular biochemistry. Laboratory topics are coordinated with the lecture material. Course elements may be tailored for the cohort enrolled.
    Corequisite(s): OPT 531L  
  • VSC 521L - Lab: Anat, Biochem, & Physio of Eye I

    .5 credit(s)
    Hands-on laboratory that supplements lecture material from VSC 521 .
    Corequisite(s): VSC 521 
  • VSC 522 - Anatomy, Biochemestry, & Physiology of Eye II

    2 credit(s)
    Anatomy, histology, and physiology of the orbit, extraocular muscles, and lacrimal system. Ocular circulation & sensory, motor, and autonomic innervation of the visual system; visual pathways and visual field defects, pupillary innervation and pupil defects. Laboratory topics are coordinated with the lecture material.
    Corequisite(s): OPT 532L  Course elements may be tailored for the cohort enrolled
  • VSC 522L - Lab: Anat, Biochem & Physio of Eye II

    1 credit(s)
    Hands-on laboratory that supplements lecture material from VSC 522 .
    Corequisite(s): VSC 522 
  • VSC 523 - Neuroanatomy of the Visual Pathways

    2 credit(s)
    This course provides an overview of the field of neuroscience, with primary focus on the structure and function of the eye and the entral visual pathways. Basic anatomical structures and concepts of physiological and neurological processes related to the eye and vision will be addressed. It sets the foundation for future research and clinical application on the anatomy and physiology in visual in visual performance and ocular disease processes.
  • VSC 556 - Independent Study

    1-9 credit(s)
    Customized independent study on topics related to Vision Science.
  • VSC 631 - Common Ocular Diseases

    2 credit(s)
    This course covers the ocular and visual consequences of common diseases in the eye or the visual pathway across all age groups, including the current knowledge, research findings, diagnosing and treatmentmethods.
  • VSC 641 - Normal & Abnormal Eye Movements

    1 credit(s)
    Provides in-depth examination of normal & abnormal eye movements, including fixations, vestibular, optokinetic, saccades, pursuits & vergence. Includes diagnosis & treatment of infantile & acquired nystagmus. Course elements may be tailored for the cohort enrolled.
  • VSC 642 - Visual Perception & Sensitivity

    3.5 credit(s)
    This course covers the neurophysiology of normal & abnormal visual information processing, from retina to cortex. Includes dark and light adaptation, contrast and flicker sensitivity, motion and depth perception, and color vision. Perceptual consequences of proper function & dysfunction of the visual pathways, striate & extra-striate cortices during the human lifespan are discussed. Includes application through independent-study lab exercises & student presentations. Course elements may be tailored for the cohort enrolled.
  • VSC 642L - Lab: Visual Perception & Sensitivity

    .5 credit(s)
    Hands-on laboratory that supplements lecture material from VSC 642 . OPT 662L 
    Corequisite(s): VSC 642 
  • VSC 643 - Ocular Motility

    2 credit(s)
    Provides in-depth examination of normal and abnormal eye movements, including fixations, vestibular, optokinetic, saccades, pursuits, and vergence. Diagnosis and treatment of infantile and acquired nystagmus, as well as the effects of medullary, pontine, midbrain, cerebral dysfunction on ocular motility. Includes nerve palsies, ophthalmoplegias, disorders of neuromuscular transmission and the extraocular muscles.
  • VSC 644 - Fundamentals of Ocular Motility

    1 credit(s)
    Examines the anatomy, physiology, and normal function of the ocular motor system. Neurology of eye movement control, biophysics, and kinematics of functional classes of eye movements are discussed.
  • VSC 656 - Independent Study

    1-9 credit(s)
    Customized independent study on topics related to Vision Science.
  • VSC 660 - Practice of Clinical Skills

    1 credit(s)
    Practice and development of diagnostic skills in vision care. Students will work with simulated patients under supervision of the class instructor.  May be repeated for credit, with a maximum of 3 credits applicable toward the degree. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 915.
  • VSC 701 - MS Vision Research Colloquium

    1 credit(s)
    The research colloquium consists of weekly talks, featuring new creative and scholarly work that encompasses the areas of broad vision research, provided by a variety of speakers including faculty, residents, graduate students, and guests from the academic and industry communities. Must be taken at least twice. May be repeated for credit. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 933. Pass/No Pass
  • VSC 702 - Research Methodology

    1.5 credit(s)
    Systematic analysis of the methods applied to clinical research. It comprises the principles of scientific testing of theories and observations, the methods of systematic inquiry, and the tools of empirical experimentation. The main focus is on obtaining skills for conducting clinical and laboratory research, critically evaluating and reporting empirical findings, and independently conducting clinical inquiries. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 923.
  • VSC 703 - Introduction to Statistics

    2 credit(s)
    Introduction to statistical analysis of quantitative research data, including random samples, probability,sampling distribution, hypothesis testing, graphical and numerical techniques of descriptive statistics. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 928.
  • VSC 751 - Vision Science Seminar I

    3 credit(s)
    Review of fundamental concepts in vision science. May include directed study. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 911.
  • VSC 752 - Vision Science Seminar II

    3 credit(s)
    Discussion of important topics and new developments in the various areas of vision science. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 912.
  • VSC 753 - Vision Science Seminar III

    2 credit(s)
    Examination of current issues in various topics in vision science. Emphasis is on the optometric perspective, but integrates psychological, physiological and neurological perspectives. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 913.
  • VSC 756 - Independent Study

    1-9 credit(s)
    Customized independent study on topics related to Vision Science.
  • VSC 760 - Curricular Practical Training

    1 credit(s)
    This course provides for graduate students seeking internship for Curricular Practical Training (CPT). This allows graduate students, those who want to earn University to work off campus in the USA under CPT, to apply for OPT 940. Registration will be approved only when the employment is directly related to the student’s academic study and approved by the VSG Committee. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 940. Pass/No Pass
  • VSC 791 - Thesis Research

    1-3 credit(s)
    Conducting a Master’s research project under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Typically 1-3 credits, although exceptions may be allowed. May be repeated, with an unlimited number of credits applicable toward the degree. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 995.
  • VSC 801 - PhD Vision Research Colloquium

    1 credit(s)
    The research colloquium consists of weekly talks, featuring new creative and scholarly work that encompasses the areas of broad vision research, provided by a variety of speakers including faculty, residents, graduate students, and guests from the academic and industry communities. Must be taken at least twice. May be repeated for credit. Pass/No Pass
  • VSC 802 - Advanced Research Methodology

    1.5 credit(s)
    The course is designed to help guide graduate students in how to think about, negotiate and actually design a research project with various research methods and experimental design. The course focuses on the theory, logic, and practice of fieldwork, specific methodological and ethical issues associated with studies in vision science and current debates about the bounds and limits of clinical research. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 924.
  • VSC 803 - Advanced Statistics

    2 credit(s)
    Methods of analyzing quantitative data including: two sample T test, analysis of variance, correlation, regression, etc. Use of Computerized data recording, data analysis, and reporting procedures will be stressed. Methods for preparing for publication or oral presentation will also be covered. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 929.
  • VSC 811 - Advanced Seminar in Vision & Optics

    3 credit(s)
    Aims to help the student develop funded proposals by acquiring an understanding of the major theoretical or practical issues in the area of Vision and Optics. Students will produce an annotated bibliography and a document with specific aims to address the scientific gap in knowledge that has been discovered through the course discussion.. May be repeated for credit. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 936.
  • VSC 812 - Focused Study in Vision & Optics

    2 credit(s)
    Under the guidance of the instructor, students will conduct literature review on a selected topic in the area of Vision and Optics. Performance evaluation is based on the final report as a deep review paper or a research proposal (must include a detailed method section and a description of statistical analysis). May be repeated for credit. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 946.
  • VSC 821 - Adv Sem in Ocular Anatomy & Physio

    3 credit(s)
    This course aims to help the student develop funded proposals by acquiring an understanding of the major theoretical or practical issues in the area of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Eye. Students will produce an annotated bibliography and a document with specific aims to address the scientific gap in knowledge that has been discovered through the course discussion. May be repeated for credit. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 937.
  • VSC 822 - Focused Study in Ocu Anat & Phys

    2 credit(s)
    Under the guidance of the instructor, students will conduct literature review on a selected topic in the area of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Eye. Performance evaluation is based on the final report as a deep review paper or a research proposal (must include a detailed method section and a description of statistical analysis). May be repeated for credit. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 947.
  • VSC 831 - Adv Sem in Eye Diseases & Public Health

    3 credit(s)
    This course aims to help the student develop funded proposals by acquiring an understanding of the major theoretical or practical issues in the area of Eye Diseases and Public Health. Students will produce an annotated bibliography and a document with specific aims to address the scientific gap in knowledge that has been discovered through the course discussion. May be repeated for credit. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 938.
  • VSC 832 - Focused Study in Eye Dis & Public Health

    2 credit(s)
    Under the guidance of the instructor, students will conduct literature review on a selected topic in the area of Eye Diseases and Public Health. Performance evaluation is based on the final report as a deep review paper or a research proposal (must include a detailed method section and a description of statistical analysis). May be repeated for credit. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 948.
  • VSC 833 - Advanced Seminar in Health Policy & Eye Disease I

    1.5 credit(s)
    The first in a two-course sequence on eye disease and health policy. Class discussion will cover common eye diseases or age-related vision disorders. Students will identify an eye disease or a vision issue and develop a fundable proposal with specific aims on the chosen topic.  The goal is to seek and shorten the scientific gap in knowledge or to develop relevant health policies to improve the condition.
  • VSC 834 - Advanced Seminar in Health Policy & Eye Disease II

    1.5 credit(s)
    This is the second in a two-course sequence on eye disease and health policy. Class discussion will cover common eye diseases or age-related vision disorders. Students will identify an eye disease or a vision issue and develop a fundable proposal with specific aims on the chosen topic. The goal is to seek and shorten the scientific gap in knowledge or to develop relevant health policies to improve the condition.
  • VSC 841 - Adv Sem in Ocular Func & Vis Perf

    3 credit(s)
    This course aims to help the student develop funded proposals by acquiring an understanding of the major theoretical or practical issues in the area of Oculomotor Functions, Visual Performance, and Applied Vision Science. Students will produce an annotated bibliography and a document with specific aims to address the scientific gap in knowledge that has been discovered through the course discussion. May be repeated for credit. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 939.
  • VSC 842 - Focused Study in Ocu Function & VP

    2 credit(s)
    Under the guidance of the instructor, students will conduct literature review on a selected topic in the field of Oculomotor Functions, Visual Performance, and Applied Vision Science. Performance evaluation is based on the final report as a deep review paper or a research proposal (must include a detailed method section and a description of statistical analysis). May be repeated for credit. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 949.
  • VSC 856 - Independent Study

    1-9 credit(s)
    Customized independent study on topics related to Vision Science.
  • VSC 861 - Survey of Vision Science Laboratories

    1 credit(s)
    The goal of this course is to introduce first-year Ph.D. students to the faculty and various labs. Students are presented with an overview of the various research opportunities represented in the college. Weekly one-credit lab meetings or lab tours are presented by Vision Science faculty from different areas. This course can be taken up to two times. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 926.
  • VSC 862 - Laboratory Study

    3 credit(s)
    The goal of this course is to allow the Ph.D. student to become familiar with selected areas of research, learn experimental techniques, obtain hands-on experiences by immersing time for research in the selected research laboratories, and then ultimately to identify a lab in which to conduct his/her dissertation research. This course may be taken up to four times. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 927.
  • VSC 902 - Proposal Writing & Grant App

    3 credit(s)
    In this project-based course, students will identify an achievable and fundable topic in their area of expertise, research and assess viable
    funding sources, and prepare a full proposal package for submission.  Through the complete process of grant proposal development, students
    will further their knowledge in the chosen research topic and become familiar with tools and resources for grant application.
  • VSC 903 - Statistics Seminar

    2 credit(s)
    This seminar will be taken by graduate students after completing all required woursework in statistics. Topics vary from year to year and are chosen from advance probability, statistical inference, statistical modeling, time series, decision analysis, and research design with principal emphasis on applications. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 950.
  • VSC 956 - Independent Study

    1-9 credit(s)
    Customized independent study on topics related to Vision Science.
  • VSC 991 - Dissertation Research

    1-3 credit(s)
    Conducting a PhD level research project under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Typically 1-3 credits, although exceptions may be allowed. May be repeated, with an unlimited number of credits applicable toward the degree. Previously Listed As: Previously listed as OPT 997.
  • VSC 998 - Continuing Enrollment: Pre-Thesis/Dissertation

    1-9 credit(s)
    Enrollment following completion of full-time coursework and prior to achievement of candidacy for the thesis or dissertation. May be repeated for credit. Course fee: $1800.
  • VSC 999 - Continuing Enrollment: Thesis/Dissertation

    1-9 credit(s)
    Enrollment following elevation to candidacy for the thesis or dissertation. May be repeated for credit. Course fee: $1800.

World Languages

  • WORL 195 - Independent Study

    See department for details. Independent study contract required.
  • WORL 275 - Internship

    1-4 credit(s)
    See department for details. Internship contract required.
  • WORL 325 - Mentoring & Tutoring in the Languages

    2 credit(s)
    Students in this course will be a mentor in one section of a beginning language class at Pacific, at least one day/week. They may assist in the classroom and in preparing materials at the language instructor’s discretion. Students will also offer at least two hours/week of tutoring in the Tutoring Center (TLC), attend an orientation, and promote the TLC and language in the community. Students will meet 130 minutes/week with the supervising WORL 325 instructor. Mentoring may not be available in all languages or in all semesters. May be repeated once for credit.
    Core Requirement(s): Counts toward core requirement: Civic Engagement.
    Prerequisite(s): 202-level of target language or equivalent proficiency Instructor’s consent required
  • WORL 365 - Teaching Lang & Culture Elem School

    4 credit(s)
    Students will learn the basics of foreign language acquisition, lesson planning and classroom management through this seminar and practicum in foreign language instruction. Students will meet with the instructor of the course for the first four weeks to learn pedagogical and class-management skills; thereafter, they will make weekly trips (11 weeks total) to local elementary schools to teach the language and culture of the target language (must be a language taught at Pacific). During the practicum portion of the class, students will also meet weekly with the instructor to develop upcoming lessons and to evaluate/troubleshoot previous lessons. In addition the instructor will rotate weekly to each school group to observe the students’ class.
    Core Requirement(s): Counts toward core requirement: Civic Engagement.
    Prerequisite(s): Foreign Language 202 or equivalent proficiency. Instructor’s consent required.
  • WORL 395 - Independent Study

    See department for details. Independent Study contract required.
  • WORL 401 - Thesis in Modern Languages I

    2 credit(s)
    Students will conduct individual research on a topic related to their study of two (or three) languages. They will start writing an extensive paper (30-50 pages)in English wherein they explore a specific phenomenon or topic. Students will present thesis in the spring at senior thesis day.
    Prerequisite(s): SA-476

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