Mar 31, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2018-2019 
Academic Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Education


The College of Education embraces the mission of Pacific University and its commitment to the liberal arts and sciences as it seeks to prepare aspiring and practicing educators to promote and nurture learners’ intellectual, ethical, social, and emotional growth within a learning community that is committed to equity and diversity. The key elements of our teacher education program are embodied in the following phrase: “Transforming education through communities of learners, with a focus on promoting cultural competence, creating student-centered classrooms, and enhancing learning through technology.” As a result we infuse the following values into our programs.

Transforming Education through a Community of Learners

The College of Education values:

  • Professional educators who, as reflective practitioners, continually study theory, research, practice, and available resources as they strive to improve the effectiveness of their teaching
  • Modeling of ethical behavior by professional educators in their classrooms and in their communities
  • Education as a lifelong process for learners of all ages and backgrounds
  • Modeling by professional educators of an inquisitive attitude and enjoyment of intellectual pursuits
  • Professional educators who are confident, energetic and both physically and mentally healthy
  • Participation of educators as leaders and agents of change in the education profession within and beyond the University

Promoting Cultural Competence

The College of Education values:

  • A commitment by professional educators to respect humanity in all its diversity
  • Professional educators who believe that all students can learn and who assume responsibility in furthering that learning
  • Professional educators who interact constructively with students and their parents as well as colleagues, administrators, other school personnel, and the community - to achieve both instructional and relational goals
  • Professional educators as keen observers of the learner, family, community, and environment who use that data to the extent possible when planning instruction

Creating Student-Centered Classrooms

The College of Education values:

  • Professional educators who understand the subject(s) being taught and appreciate how knowledge in that subject is created, organized, linked to other disciplines and applied in real-world settings
  • Educational environments that provide opportunities for developing and sharpening intellectual, analytical, and reflective abilities
  • Promotion by professional educators of intellectual independence and active, responsible learning
  • Professional educators who exhibit the energy, drive, and determination to make their school and classroom the best possible environment for teaching and learning

Enhancing Learning Through Technology

The College of Education values:

  • Professional educators who engage students in pedagogically powerful applications of technology that foster learning
  • Professional educators who utilize a range of instructional resources and technology tools to support learning

History of Teacher Education at Pacific

Pacific University has been preparing teachers since it first offered the baccalaureate degree in 1863. Established in 1842 as a school to serve Native American children, Pacific began offering courses for teachers in 1911 as the Oregon public school movement expanded, one of only three colleges authorized by the State of Oregon to recommend graduates for high school teaching certificates at that time.

Throughout much of its history in the preparation of teachers, Pacific offered a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Education. In 1989, reflecting the growing national trend toward fifth-year teacher education programs, Pacific University became the first institution to gain approval from the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission to offer the Master of Arts in Teaching Fifth-Year program. Until 1995, this program offered only secondary endorsement areas, at which time it was expanded to include an elementary education component.

Teacher education programs had been located within the College of Arts and Sciences for many years. However, as an increasing number of teacher education students opted for programs at the master’s level, the opportunities and demands associated with teacher education extended substantially beyond the mission of the undergraduate College of Arts and Sciences. In 1994 the School of Education was founded and provided with the autonomy to implement policies and procedures necessary to support both graduate and undergraduate teacher education programs. In 2002, as a result of increasing growth in programs and faculty, the School of Education was designated the College of Education. Today we are one of five colleges at Pacific University.

About the College of Education

The College of Education is committed to increasing its sphere of influence and deepening its commitment to quality. It is nationally accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) (transitioning to the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)), and its licensure programs are approved by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC). The Speech-Language Pathology Program has been accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (AHSA). Degree programs are accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).

The College of Education actively works with school district partners in many Oregon school districts, most notably those in a 50-mile proximity of our Eugene, Forest Grove and Woodburn sites. As we seek to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world we partner with many organizations. We are institutional members of: American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) (transitioning to the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), Oregon Latino Administrators Association (OALA), Oregon Alliance of Independent Colleges and Universities (OAICU), Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (OACTE), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), and founding partners of the Lane County Teacher Pathways program.

Our faculty are leaders in many state and national discipline-based organizations:

International Reading Association (IRA)
Oregon Reading Association (ORA)
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
National Association of Research in Science Education (NARST)
National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Oregon Council of Teachers of English (OCTE)
Northwest Association of College Educators (NWATE)
Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children (OAEYC)
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE)
National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME)
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL)
Academy of Neurogenic Communication Disorders & Sciences (ANCDS)
Lesbian & Gay Speech Pathologists and Audiologists (LGASP)
Brain Injury Connections Northwest (BIC-NW)
Oregon Technology Access Program (OTAP)
Association of Science Teacher Educators (ASTE)
Oregon Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (ORBIDA)
International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL)
Oregon Association for Talented and Gifted (OATAG)
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Northwest Council for Computers in Education (NCCE)
Oregon Technology Network (OTEN)
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM)
NASA Oregon Space Grants Consortium (OSGC)
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ORTESOL)
Oregon Science Teacher Association (OSTA); Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)
Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA)
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
Oregon Speech-Language-Hearing Association (OSHA)
Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD)
American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association (ACPA
The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH)

For further information, visit the COE website at

Programs, Schools and Locations

The College of Education is comprised of two schools, the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the School of Learning and Teaching. The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders is located on the Forest Grove campus. The School of Learning and Teaching has programs in Eugene, Forest Grove, and Woodburn.

The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders offers three programs:

  • A Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP)
  • A Post-Baccalaureate sequence in Communications Sciences and Disorders (CSD)
  • An undergraduate minor in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD)

The School of Learning and Teaching offers undergraduate and graduate teacher preparation and education programs:

  • Preliminary Licensure Programs: Six programs lead to Oregon’s Preliminary Teaching License. These programs prepare teachers at the following four focus area levels: early childhood education (age 3 to grade 4); elementary school (grades 3-8); middle school (grades 5-9); and high school (grades 7-12).
    • Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT): Fifth-Year
      Cohort program offered for those holding a bachelor’s degree
    • Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT): Flex
      Part-time (evenings and weekends) cohort program offered for those holding a bachelor’s degree
    • Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT): STEM and English Language Learning
      Full-time cohort program for those holding a bachelor’s degree and seeking preliminary licensure in science and/or math and ESOL endorsements
    • Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT): Special Education
      Program for those holding a bachelor’s degree and seeking preliminary licensure in special education or adding a special education endorsement
    • Bachelor of Arts (BA)
      An undergraduate teacher education program offered in conjunction with the College of Arts and Sciences (including a minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) that does not lead to a license)
    • Bachelor of Education (BEd)
      An undergraduate Teaching and English Language Learning teacher education program
  • Advanced Programs: Advanced Programs, as described below, primarily are intended for licensed educators who wish to continue their development as professionals in the field of education. They are designed to develop and document advanced competence in meeting the education needs of individual students within a collaborative learning community. Candidates can complete specializations that lead to an endorsement, or certificate and can embed any of these into the Master of Education degree.
    • Master of Education (MEd)
      Program for licensed teachers who desire to deepen their expertise.  Candidates can specialize in one of the following:
      • Reading Intervention endorsement
      • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) endorsement
      • Talented and Gifted Specialization
      • Technology and Learning Certificate
      • Cultural Competency Certificate
      • Special Education endorsement
    • Non-Degree Seeking Program Options
      Part-time programs for practicing teachers wishing to add additional endorsements or specializations to their licenses
    • Certificates and Specializations
      • Talented and Gifted (TAG) Specialization
        • Part-time program for teachers, counselors, and parents who wish to learn more about meeting the needs of gifted children.
      • Cultural Competence Certificate
        • Part-time program for teachers, counselors, school support staff, and community members who wish to engage in dialogue and learn more about issues of diversity in our schools.
      • Technology and Learning Certificate
        • Part-time program for teachers and others who are interested in learning how to effectively integrate technology into their professional practice and better support learning communities with their students.
  • Additional Programs
    • Master of Arts in Education (MAE)
      Advanced degree program not leading to licensure.
    • Master of Education/Visual Function in Learning (MEd/VFL)
      Advanced degree program for optometry students or practicing optometrists (Forest Grove campus only).
    • Add-on Endorsements
      Programs also are available for practicing teachers holding a Preliminary License who wish to add endorsements or upgrade their professional skills.
    • Undergraduate minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


Policies: College of Education

Students are held to the Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Oregon Educators. Standards for competent and ethical behavior have been established by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission. The following legislative guidelines apply to teacher education students while at Pacific University:

The Competent Educator

OAR 584-020-0010 The educator demonstrates a commitment to:

  1. Recognize the worth and dignity of all persons and respect for each individual;
  2. Encourage scholarship;
  3. Promote democratic and inclusive citizenship;
  4. Raise educational standards;
  5. Use professional judgment; and
  6. Promote equitable learning opportunities.

Statute Authority: ORS 342.143 & 342.175-342.190

The Ethical Educator

OAR 584-020-0035 The ethical educator is a person who accepts the requirements of membership in the teaching profession and acts at all times in ethical ways. In so doing the ethical educator considers the needs of the students, the district, and the profession.

  1. The ethical educator, in fulfilling obligations to the student, will:
    1. Keep the confidence entrusted in the profession as it relates to confidential information concerning a student and the student’s family;
    2. Refrain from exploiting professional relationships with any student for personal gain, or in support of persons or issues; and
    3. Maintain an appropriate professional student-teacher relationship by:
      1. Not demonstrating or expressing professionally inappropriate interest in a student’s personal life;
      2. Not accepting or giving or exchanging romantic or overly personal gifts or notes with a student;
      3. Reporting to the educator’s supervisor if the educator has reason to believe a student is or may be becoming romantically attached to the educator; and
      4. Honoring appropriate adult boundaries with students in conduct and conversation at all times.
  2. The ethical educator, in fulfilling obligations to the district, will:
    1. Apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position of responsibility only on the basis of professional qualifications, and will adhere to the conditions of a contract or the terms of the appointment;
    2. Conduct professional business, including grievances, through established lawful and reasonable procedures;
    3. Strive for continued improvement and professional growth;
    4. Accept no gratuities or gifts of significance that could influence judgment in the exercise of professional duties; and
    5. Not use the district’s or school’s name, property, or resources for noneducational benefit or purposes without approval of the educator’s supervisor or the appointing authority.

3) The ethical educator, in fulfilling obligations to the profession, will:

  1. Maintain the dignity of the profession by respecting and obeying the law, exemplifying personal integrity and honesty;
  2. Extend equal treatment to all members of the profession in the exercise of their professional rights and responsibilities; and
  3. Respond to requests for evaluation of colleagues and keep such information confidential as appropriate.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.143 & 342.175 – 342.190
Hist.: TS 5-1979, f. 12-19-79, ef. 1-1-80; TS 7-1983, f. & ef. 12-14-83; TS 7-1989, f. & cert. ef. 12-13-89; TSPC 8-1998, f. & cert. ef. 12-9-98; TSPC 7-2007. F. &
cert. ef. 12-14-07

Guidelines for Professional Behavior

The goal of the College of Education is to provide an educational experience through which candidates may develop as confident, competent, and ethical educators as established by the Program’s expectations and the standards established by the State of Oregon. To assist candidates in meeting the requirements of membership in the teaching profession, candidates in the College of Education are expected to learn and practice appropriate professional and ethical behaviors.

The following behaviors, along with those stated in the Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Educators (ORS 342.175 to 342.190), are expected while enrolled in the program and while representing the University. The inability to meet these standards will lead to disciplinary action and can result in dismissal from the school. Conduct inconsistent with these standards, such as plagiarism, cheating, lying and/or fraud, is considered unprofessional and will not be tolerated.

Attitude: Candidates are expected to possess personal qualities of integrity, honesty, dedication, responsibility, and strong ethical values; recognize the worth and dignity of all persons; and demonstrate sensitivity to others and a positive outlook. Candidates are expected to work cooperatively with others; participate and share information; treat faculty and staff, peers, students and mentors with respect; display a willingness to learn and accept constructive criticism; be punctual; and demonstrate behavior that contributes to a positive learning environment.

Attendance: Candidates are expected to attend all classes unless excused by the instructor. Grades can be lowered by unexcused absences and/or lateness.

Ability to work with others: Cooperation and collegiality are required to be an effective professional educator. Candidates are therefore expected to cooperate, participate, share information, and show respect for others while enrolled in the program.

Ability to work independently: Initiative, perseverance, and self-discipline provide the foundation for professional excellence. Candidates are expected to initiate and pursue study independently and to accept responsibility for their own learning.

Appearance: Candidates are expected to observe professional guidelines for appropriate dress and hygiene.

Research: Candidates are required to abide by the ethical principles of research with human participants as defined by the American Psychological Association.

Citizenship: Candidates are expected to display those attributes expected of a member of a learned profession; promote democratic citizenship, demonstrate social awareness and a sense of social responsibility; and exemplify good citizenship in all social and community interactions.

University Rules and Policies

Candidates are expected to follow all guidelines set forth by Pacific University.

Professional and Academic Standards

Good standing in the College of Education is defined as:

  • continued enrollment;
  • satisfactory academic progress;
  • satisfactory performance in practica, student teaching, and internships;
  • satisfactory teaching competencies;
  • behavior that leads to professional competence and positive interpersonal and professional relations;
  • appropriate professional/ethical conduct.

Candidates are evaluated regularly in all these areas.

Satisfactory performance in courses is defined as maintaining a 3.00 minimum GPA in all professional education and endorsement area coursework with no grade lower than a C; a C- is not acceptable.

Satisfactory performance in practica, student teaching placements and internships is defined as completing them with a grade of Pass (for graduate students) and C or above for undergraduate students.

Candidates are expected to demonstrate behavior consistent with the Pacific University Code of Academic and Professional Conduct, the most current ethical code established by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission, and the most current state and federal laws governing the conduct of educators. The College of Education reserves the right to define professional competence and behavior, to establish standards of excellence, and to evaluate candidates in regard to them.

Agreement to abide by the policies and procedures of the University and the program is implicitly confirmed when candidates register each term. Candidates are expected to adhere to the various administrative and academic deadlines listed in the academic calendar and in course syllabi. Failure to do so may jeopardize their standing in the College of Education and may constitute grounds for probation or dismissal from the program. Candidates must maintain good standing in the program in order to be eligible for federally-funded financial aid or University /College of Education scholarships.

Violations of the Code of Academic and Professional Conduct

The College of Education assigns great importance to self-discipline, the ability to work with others, and the ability to conduct oneself in a professional manner. Violations of the Code of Academic and Professional Conduct can result in the dismissal of the candidate without previous warning at any time in his or her academic career. If such a violation occurs while a candidate is student teaching, the candidate may be removed from student teaching pending an investigation. Any faculty member, instructor or individual with direct knowledge of a candidate’s violation of the Code of Academic and Professional Conduct may notify the Director of the violation. The notice must be in writing and signed. The Director will convene a committee composed of a faculty member from the College of Education, a faculty member from another Pacific University professional program, and a student representative to review allegations and recommend a resolution to the Dean of the College of Education who will make the final determination. As per University policy, that decision can be appealed to the University Standards and Appeals Board.

Appeals Procedure

A candidate may appeal a decision of the College of Education related to academic standing by submitting a letter to the Director within ten business days notification of the decision. The appeal will be heard before a committee of five members appointed by the Director. The committee will consist of a member of the Education Consortium, a faculty member from the Faculty of the Professional Schools, a faculty member from the College of Education outside of the candidate’s own program, a faculty member selected by the candidate, and another student. Any appeal of this committee’s decision must be referred to the University Standards and Appeals Board.


The Dean of the College of Education will consider a recommendation for dismissal for any of the following:

  • If a candidate fails to sustain satisfactory progress toward completion of the degree or licensure program because two or more substandard grades exist on the candidate’s transcript at any time;
  • Insufficient progress in the development of teaching competencies;
  • Failure to comply with College of Education rules or procedures;
  • Unprofessional conduct, unethical conduct, or illegal conduct; and
  • Evidence of behavior that may hinder professional competence and interpersonal or professional relations.

Ordinarily, a candidate will have received warnings that his/her work is less than satisfactory before dismissal. However, a candidate may, for adequate cause, be dismissed without previous warning. Per university policy, a candidate can appeal the decision.

Student teaching is considered a part of the academic program. Specific procedures apply when candidates are unable to meet the demands of the placement. Those procedures are described in each of the program handbooks.

Course Attendance

Candidates have a personal and professional responsibility for course classroom attendance, active participation, timely completion of assignments, and attendance at practica and student teaching placements.

While Pacific University believes that candidates should be in attendance at all class sessions, individual faculty members are responsible for notifying candidates of attendance expectations in their courses at the beginning of each term and may lower a candidate’s grade for poor attendance or participation. Candidates are expected to inform their instructors of an unavoidable absence in advance. Assignment of makeup work, if any, is at the discretion of the instructor. Attendance requirements during the practicum and student teaching experience include all professional and special events required of the mentor teacher. This may encompass, but is not limited to, after school or before school activities, evening events, in-service activities, staff meetings, parent/teacher conferences and sporting events. Only illness or family emergencies constitute a legitimate excuse for absence. If illness or an emergency necessitates an absence, the candidate is responsible for notifying their cooperating teacher and university supervisor in a timely fashion.

Attendance at regularly scheduled classes is limited to candidates who are currently enrolled in the course or to invited guests of the course instructor(s). All other guests, including family members, require prior approval from the course instructor.

Academic Performance Review

Faculty instructors will evaluate academic performance, practicum skills, and professional behaviors demonstrated in university classes, practica, student teaching and internship settings. Evaluations will adhere to standards set forth in this catalog, the student handbook, and the Oregon Administrative Rules pertaining to teaching and teacher licensure. A candidate who is not performing adequately will receive notification through verbal feedback, individual advisement, and/or written notification.

The overall academic progress of each candidate is reviewed at the end of each grading period by the program coordinators. Semester grades of less than “C” - that is “C-“, “D”, “F”, and “N” - are substandard for graduate students and may not be used to fulfill the requirements for a master’s degree or to fulfill requirements for a teaching license. Candidates may not register for student teaching until all coursework and tests required for licensure are satisfactorily completed. Additionally, all candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in each semester enrolled in order to continue in the program.

To continue in the program, any substandard grade must be rectified, either by taking the course again or through an independent contract with the course instructor. It is the responsibility of the candidate to initiate with the course instructor, and agree in writing to, a means of rectifying the substandard grade.


Degree candidates must apply for graduation through BoxerOnline to graduate and/or participate in Commencement. To receive degrees in May or June and/or participate in the May Commencement ceremony in Forest Grove, degree applications are due to the Registrar’s Office by January 15. To receive a degree on January 31, degree applications are due to the Registrar’s Office by October 15. To receive a degree in August, degree applications are due to the Registrar’s Office by May 15.

All candidates receiving degrees are encouraged to participate in the University’s hooding and commencement ceremonies. MAT, MAE., and MEd candidates who are within 4 credits of completing their programs may participate in the May ceremony. MEd/V.F.L candidates may participate if they are within 6 credits of completion.


The College of Education uses an “A” through “F” grading scale including “+” and “-” as well as Pass/No Pass. In graduate courses, all work below a “C” is considered failing and does not fulfill degree or licensure requirements.

Incomplete Grades

An instructor may issue a grade of Incomplete (I) only when the major portion of a course has been completed satisfactorily but health or other emergency reasons prevent the student from finishing all requirements of the course. Prior to submitting an Incomplete grade, the instructor and the student complete an Incomplete Grade Contract detailing the timeline for completion and submission of all remaining work. After submission of the work, the instructor completes a Grade Change form and submits it to the appropriate person for approval; the form then is processed by the Registrar.

If agreed-upon work is not completed and no grade change submitted by the deadline (and an extension has not been granted), when the Incomplete expires the grade becomes an F or N. Faculty may request an extension of an Incomplete (before the expiration date of the Incomplete) by notifying the Registrar’s office.

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Registrar or School Dean.

In graduate programs, the instructor and the candidate should agree upon a deadline by which all work will be completed.

In undergraduate programs the latest completion/expiration dates are:

Fall semester Incompletes: December 31 of the following year.
Winter term Incompletes: January 31 of the following year.
Spring semester and Summer term Incompletes: May 1 of the following year.

Normal Load

For graduate students, 8 credits or higher per term is considered full-time; 4 credits is considered half-time. For undergraduate students, 12 credits or higher per term is considered full-time; 6 credits is considered half-time.

Instructor Responsibilities

The College of Education expects that its instructors will design and teach courses that appropriately challenge candidates. From the beginning of the course, instructors will clearly communicate expectations regarding standards of performance and will explain how grades will be determined and assigned. It is expected that candidates will receive feedback concerning their status during the course and that all graded work will be returned promptly. College of Education instructors will model and communicate expectations for exemplary professional behavior. Instructors will warn candidates when their academic performance or professional behavior is less than satisfactory as soon as that becomes apparent to the instructor.

Assignments and tests will be designed to allow a determination of candidates’ conceptual understandings of course material and their ability to apply what they have learned in an authentic manner in an educational setting. Instructors are responsible for judging the quality and accuracy of candidates ’ work and assigning grades.

Instructors are expected to possess personal attributes of honesty, dedication, responsibility, and strong ethical values. They are expected to create a learning environment that is challenging, positive, and rewarding and that honors cultural differences and diversity. Instructors are expected to treat candidates and peers with respect and adhere to all Pacific University rules and guidelines.

School of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Go to information for School of Communication Sciences & Disorders.


Master of Science


Post-Baccalaureate Programs

School of Learning and Teaching

Go to information for School of Learning and Teaching.


Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Education

Master of Arts in Teaching

Master of Arts in Education

Master of Education


Other Programs