Sep 07, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2023-2024 
Academic Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Office of Accessibility and Accommodations (OAA)

Pacific University is committed to ensuring equitable access and success for all students with disabilities. The Office of Accessibility and Accommodations (OAA) coordinates academic adaptations and services for all students with documented disabilities. We aim to eliminate or minimize environmental barriers, enabling these students to be successful at Pacific. To ensure students receive the necessary support, OAA advocates on their behalf and fosters collaboration between students, faculty, and staff.

Disabilities encompass various realms – from learning, medical, and physical conditions to psychological challenges – and can be either temporary or permanent. Accommodations are designed to cater to individual needs and can include extended test times, controlled testing environments, accessible or alternative format course materials, and assistance from note-takers.

Students seeking accommodations must provide appropriate documentation of their disability from a licensed professional or individuals meeting federal guidelines. Accommodations are not applied retroactively and require proactive submission of requests through the Accommodate portal (

We encourage students with disabilities to engage with the OAA staff during the admission process and at the start of each semester. For further information, feel free to contact the OAA staff at 503.352.2194 or visit

Information shared regarding disabilities is treated with utmost confidentiality, adhering to all relevant disability laws. OAA registration status remains separate from permanent records or transcripts, safeguarding privacy. If you have questions about University policies or compliance, please direct them to the OAA or the Dean of Students.


The Office of Accessibilities and Accommodations

Clark Hall Room 226


Fax: 533.352.6260